The following operations are supported. For a formal definition, please review the Service Description.
- AddCustomerTsys
- AuthenticateCardTsys
- BatchCloseTsys
- CancelSubscription
- CheckPhoneType
- CollectRemainingSubscription
- ContactInsert
- CreateAppointment
- CreateCustomer
- CreateCustomerSubscription
- CreateInvoice
- CreateMerchantAccount
- CreateMerchantAccountTest
- CreateNewBusinessAccount
- CreateNewCustomerSubscription
- CreatePayByText
- CreatePayByTextInvoice
- CreateSMSMessage
- CreateSMSReceipt
- CreateTokenPayment
- CreateTokenPaymentTest
- ElavonTokenDelete
- ElavonTokenQuery
- ElavonTokenUpdate
- ExternalAPIResponse
- ForcedAuthTsys
- GenerateOnusTokenTsys
- GenerateTransactionKeyTsys
- GetBlockedCustomers
- GetCustomerInformation
- GetIndividualsForExternalAPI
- GetMessages
- GetShopifyCredentials
- OnboardNewBusiness
- ProcessCashPaymentTipServiceFee
- ProcessPayment
- ProcessPaymentAuth
- ProcessPaymentAuthNoCC
- ProcessPaymentAuthTest
- ProcessPaymentSettle
- ProcessPaymentSettleTest
- ProcessRefund
- ProcessRefundNoCC
- ProcessRefundTest
- ProcessTokenPayment
- ProcessTokenPaymentTest
- ProcessTokenPaymentTip
- ProcessTokenPaymentTipServiceFee
- SearchCustomerTsys
- SendMessage
- SendPaymentSMS
- SendPaymentSMSBatch
- TestMe
- UpdateCustomer
- UpdateCustomerTsys
- UpdateMessageTag
- UpdateStatus
- twiliotest
- updateLeadStatus